What is the first that comes to your mind when you hear about Viagra? Erectile Disfunction, right? Well, that is the obvious answer, isn’t it? Well, given the fact that Viagra is a medicine that is widely used by people to get rid of this problem.
But as we all know Viagra comes with its fair share of side-effects and there are quite a lot of conditions that need to be fulfilled to take Viagra. So, there are always some people who are unable to take this medicine. Here are a few alternatives for such people.
Vardenafil is a medicine which is used to treat erectile dysfunction and is also commonly known as Staxyn. This medicine is quite different from other erectile dysfunction medications as it is not something thing that you just swallow. There is a certain way of taking the medication.
The tablet needs to be placed on the tongue and allowed to dissolve on its own, no form of fluids should be used while consuming this and you can’t even crush it. The tablet needs to be consumed just once per day and before one hour of any sexual activity.
Another wonderful medicine that can be used to treat erectile dysfunction. To be honest, L-arginine is not a medicine but a type of amino acid. A lot of studies were conducted on this and some studies concluded that it isn’t that great of an alternative of Viagra.
But another study differed from this and concluded that it has improved blood flow to the penis and along with that also helps with erectile dysfunction. But it also has some side-effects as well such as nausea, diarrhea, cramps. The most important thing is that it shouldn’t be consumed if you are taking Viagra.
This is a different version of Viagra and is also the first of its kind. This is the first Viagra medicine that can be chewed for consumption. The ideal time to take this would be 1-3 hours before sexual intercourse.
While a lot of people might question whether it is genuine or not but it legit and work fine. For more information on Bluechew, check this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DIEvNmJ89w.
One of the best alternatives of Viagra and it can easily improve your erectile dysfunction for up to 36 hours. This medicine is commonly known as Cialis and it can be taken both with and without food but only once per day.
It is also recommended that you take the pills at the same time every day. The tablets recommended dosage is 10 mg but it can be increased and decreased according to the user’s need. Cialis should be consumed half an hour before sexual intercourse.
So, there you have it, these are some of the best alternatives to Viagra. But just like Viagra, these medicines need to be consumed just once a day and only at a recommended amount. Consult a doctor before you start using any of these medications.